アイコン画像 Registration | 来場事前登録

EXPAT EXPO TOKYO Registration Form
Given Name/名  *
Family Name/姓  *
Email/メールアドレス  *
Your home region/出身地  *
Your country/出身国  *
Your current status/現在の状況は?  *
Your reason to visit/ご来場目的  *
If it's a private visit and if you are with your family members, please chose the number of the visitors. /プライベートかつ、ご家族でご来場の場合、合計の来場者数をお選びください。
How did you know about this expo?/このイベントをどうやって知りましたか? ★Please write the name below/下の欄に社名等をご記入ください  *
★Name of company or association/紹介団体・企業の名前
Are you interested in being an exhibitor?/ご出展に興味がありますか?
Privacy Policy/プライバシーポリシー  *
Please read the Privacy Policy below and confirm.